Member Benefits
- SNPERRS Newsletter
- Access to Information on State-Of-The-Art Bird Husbandry
- Free or Discounted Access to Avian Educational Classes and Programs
- Discounts on Bird-Related Merchandise at Participating Retailers
- Free or Discounted Beak and Nail Trims at Participating Locations
- Avian Behavioral Counseling
- Opportunity to Network with a Great Group of Bird Lovers!
Join Today!
Download Membership Application: WORD Format or PDF Format You may send payment (check only please) with the completed application by mail or pay by PayPal with the link below after you have mailed your application. TO ENSURE PROPER CREDIT, ENTER YOUR NAME IN THE NOTE FIELD ON PAYPAL. PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED WITHIN ONE WEEK OF SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION!
Regular Membership Only $50/year for the whole family.
Regular Membership Only $50/year for the whole family.
New! Online form (a RED outline means a required field)
We respect your privacy. Your address is for SNPERRS mailings only and will not be published or given to third parties.
Regular Membership Only $50/year for the whole family.
Please submit payment using the Paypal links above or mail your check (made out to SNPERRS) to SNPERRS, P.O. Box 81483, Las Vegas, Nevada 89180 PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED WITHIN ONE WEEK to complete membership application.
Regular Membership Only $50/year for the whole family.
Please submit payment using the Paypal links above or mail your check (made out to SNPERRS) to SNPERRS, P.O. Box 81483, Las Vegas, Nevada 89180 PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED WITHIN ONE WEEK to complete membership application.