CHUCK’E is a 4 year-old male scarlet macaw, whose young owner is no longer able to spend the time he needs with the bird to make sure he is a happy camper. In response to this, the bird--who steps up, likes people, and is relatively mild-mannered--has plucked and barbered his feathers, and looks quite rough in the feather. From experience, we think he will come back relatively quickly, given the right environment. All he needs is time, good nutrition, a sense of belonging, a refeathering regimen and TLC to bring out his inner bird. He still has that mischievous gleam in his eye that tells us he has the potential to be the fun-loving bird he always wanted to be. He’s in a foster home now, and coming along nicely. From experience, we can tell you that there are few things quite so rewarding as being the "life-changing event" for a bird such as this.