
Sapphire is a beautiful female blue and gold macaw who is looking for the right person to make her the center of their universe. While we don't know too much about her history, we do know that she does not like to play second fiddle to any other large macaw and she totally rejected such an environment in the past, resulting in a few bad habits. Anyone who knows B&G macaws won't be totally shocked to learn this, however, and we think this intelligent bird is ready to leave those habits behind with proper guidance and the right person. Sapphire seems to prefer women and she definitely needs someone with macaw experience who understands the mind and mannerisms of a macaw and is willing to work with her to help her become the outstanding pet we know she can be. We believe it is especially important that a bird like Sapphire be well placed, even if that takes considerable time. In the interim, her foster family will continue to work on helping her find her "inner bird."
Including a large cage, Sapphire's Adoption fee is $450